
The future of prefabricated houses on the Polish market. Interview with Konrad Brynda
Architecture & Business
"A 2018 study of prefabricated construction (detached and semi-detached houses) in Central and Northern Europe conducted by Roland Berger analysts forecast an increase in demand for such solutions in Poland. Although, as the analysts noted, in our country prefabricated houses are less popular than in the other regions considered (Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia, Germany and the UK), their popularity will grow in the coming years."
Read the full article: https://www.architekturaibiznes.pl/en/homes-prefabricated,20863.html
All of Poland: Back to the Origins of Art
BWA Wrocław
Read the full article: https://magazynszum.pl/szara-strefa-sztuki-cala-polska-w-bwa-wroclaw/